a real mother

Shakin’ off the Earworm

In the past decade, the field of neuroscience has produced amazing scientific breakthroughs. Researchers have learned how to control micro RNA, help individuals achieve impulse control, and change behavior with non-invasive brain stimulation. Recently, two MIT scientists successfully implanted a memory that NEVER HAPPENED into a mouse’s brain. But despite all these incredible advances, I’m… Continue reading Shakin’ off the Earworm

a real mother

The Piano Man

Older Boy announced he wanted to go to Europe with the language class during spring break, a plan that I fully support. But there was only one major question: how to pay for this little adventure. I love travel. I believe in travel. I wish someone would pay me to travel. But I also know… Continue reading The Piano Man

a real mother

Back to the Real World

 For some, thinking about Europe this month brings to mind the Tour de France. But for me this month in Europe represented the Tour de Biergartens.Because I was going to Germany and Austria.Now admittedly, I was even more nervous flying this time since the Air France Airbus vanished midflight in June. I knew this flight… Continue reading Back to the Real World

a real mother

4 months post-surgery

Four months post-surgery and I am back on the bike - in France! After meeting our friends in Paris, we walked miles all over the city doing the usual tourist stuff. We are staying in an apartment in Montmarte - I feel like we are having a real neighborhood experience buying fresh bread, cheese and… Continue reading 4 months post-surgery