a real mother

A Real Mother: stumbling through motherhood – FREE TODAY

I’m in a push to get A Real Mother: stumbling through motherhood to the top 20 (or better!) on the Kindle downloads (it’s a #35 right now), so please download your FREE copy today! And please, please, please – if you’ve already downloaded a copy, share this with your friends.

I’m not above groveling, people.

So get your FREE copy today, pretty please?













(edited: August 31, 2012 – Thank you everyone who downloaded a free copy.  Over 10,000 copies downloaded in the last three days. You made A Real Mother make it to the top 20 on Kindle for a brief shining moment and #1 in both Parenting and Humor downloads. Readers, you all totally rock.)

6 thoughts on “A Real Mother: stumbling through motherhood – FREE TODAY”

  1. Denise, I forwarded this to all of my mother friends. I bought the paperback a while back. I am in the dark ages as I still don’t text, and I don’t have a Kindle. I still make my lists on notebook paper and then I promptly lose it when I need it most! Thanks for your continued writing! It is a blessing to read your musings. Laura in Alabama


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